Mr. Robert Brackett (Secretary General of IACVS,)and Ms. Lisa Guo (IACVS Member Service Specialist) jointed the Art & Science of Business Valuation free professional training conference planned by the Center for International Business Valuation (CfIBV)and the Florida Institute of Finance College (FIFC), along with partnering institutions on December 6. 2019 at Addis Ababa University School of Business and Education auditorium. Mr. Joel DiCicco and Ms. Heidi DiCicco were speaking via Zoom about the ICVS-A and FIFC. Mr. Dereje DiCicco was there presenting, along with FIFC's first MBV graduate.
Participants from 30 banks and insurance companies and several consulting companies joined the conference. This one-day seminar covered the following topic:
* Valuation Profession and Ethics
* Corporate Financial Valuation and the Big Three Valuation Approaches
* Quantitative Finance and Data Analytics
* Valuation Economics
* Planning and Executing Valuation Projects
* Valuation of Intangibles
* Utilization of Multiples for Pricing Organizations
* Overview of Premiums and Discounts
Participants have received the ‘Certificate of Completion’ for attending the one-day training conference. This would allow them to add six (6) hours of Professional Development Units (PDU) or Continuing Units (CU) toward the certification requirements.