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   The International Association of Certified Valuation Specialists

21st ASEAN Valuers Association Congress hold by ASEAN Valuers Association (AVA)

16-08-2018 19:57 | Lisa Guo (Administrator)

TOPIC: “Valuer’s Roles and Challenges Beyond Valuation Services in Regional Economic Development”

TIME September 24 - 26, 2018 

LOCATION: Yogyakarta, Indonesia 

The ASEAN Valuers Association was constituted in June 1981 with Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, and Cambodia as members. A cong ress and general assembly are held every year and are rotated amongst the country members.

The objectives of AVA are to promote closer relations, co-operation and mutual understanding amongst valuer and allied professionals in ASEAN; provide organizational framework for regional co-operation in the study and research in the harmonization of relevant fields of valuation amongst ASEAN countries; and to co-operate with international, regional, national, and other organizations in the furtherance of the objectives. 

For Conference Programme and Registration Form, please click the Conference Flyer.

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