December 7-8, 2018 Wuhan, China
The International Association of Certified Valuation Specialists(IACVS) will be the sponsor of the 8th International Conference on New Development of Appraisal to be held by the School of Business Administration (MBA Education Center) at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, during 7-8 December, 2018. The conference Theme is “Appraisal in the Age of AI: Inheritance and Innovation”.
Delegates will include influential stakeholders from governments, business, and non-governmental organizations, academics, policymakers, and appraisal institutes. Mr. William Hanlin, President & CEO of IACVS, will attend and present a speech at the conference.
Registration Fees: RMB1000 per person, including conference materials and meals.
Important Timeline
Registration Deadline: November 15, 2018
People in Contact
Dr. Wen Hao (mobile phone: +86-13986003448)
Dr.Wang Juanjuan(mobile phone: +86-15327151891)
Tel: +86-27-8838-3883
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