The Role of the Expert Witness in the Valuation of Property and Businesses
Valamar Lacroma Dubrovnik Hotel
The spring meeting of TEGOVA - European Valuation Conference will be hosted at Valamar Lacroma Dubrovnik Hotel on Friday 17 May 2018. Mr. Bob Brackett, the secretary general of IACVS, will attend and delivery a speech named "The Journey from Real Estate to Business Valuation". Below is more information about this conference:
Conference Agenda:
Meeting Registration Fees:
The registration fee of € 580,00 includes entry to:
- the Valuation Conference on 17 May, tea/coffee breaks and lunch
- the Formal Dinner on 17 May
- the General Assembly on 18 May, tea/coffee breaks and lunch
The extra costs for delegate partners’ formal dinner, partners' programme and informal dinner are indicated in the registration form.
Submit your meeting registration at Please register by April 30, 2019 at the latest.
Hotel Reservation:
Submit your hotel registration at
For more information about the meeting, pleaselview the conference brochure or contact Secretariat: mr. Igor Kaluder dipl.oec., Secretary CACEW Tel: +385 99 2588 849 E-mail: